Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal
Hong KongPharmaceutical Journal
5 articles
Drugs & Therapeutics
Review of Vaccines against Herpes Zoster: the Efficacy, Safety and Impact on Quality of Life of Shingrix® and Zostavax®
TANG Wai Hon Sam 1; LEUNG Ka Chun Hugo 1; LEE Tsz Ying Michelle ; NG Hau Ting Brain ; YAU Ching Yan Phoebe ; YUEN Ho Yee Natasha ; SUN Wai Yan Kiwi
HKPharm J Volume 31 (2), May-Aug-2024:P.44
HKPharm J Volume 31 (2), May-Aug-2024|44|ISSN 1727-2874
Overview of the Drug Therapy of Psoriatic Arthritis
MOK, Siu Man Shirley
HKPharm J Volume 31 (1), Jan-Apr-2024:P.12-20
HKPharm J Volume 31 (1), Jan-Apr-2024|12-20|1727-2847
Safety and efficacy of high-potency statin in Chinese patients with established cardiovascular disease
TANG, HO Yeung ; LAU, Kai Cheong ; YAN, Bryan P.; LEE, Vivian W.Y.
HKPharm J Volume 30 (3), Sep-Dec-2023:P.70
HKPharm J Volume 30 (3), Sep-Dec-2023|70|1727-2847
Review of Monoclonal Antibodies for the Treatment of Crohn’s Disease
AU-DOUNG, Phillip Lung Wai; CHAN, Jason Chi Hin; CHENG, Andrew Foon Yu; LAU, Anna Pak Yan; LEE, Dawn Kei Yan; WU, Jason Tsun Sing; SUN, Wai Yan Kiwi
HKPharm J Volume 30 (2), May-Aug-2023:P.43-52
HKPharm J Volume 30 (2), May-Aug-2023|43-52|1727-2847
Overview of the drug therapy for Psoriasis
ZHENG, Sin-Man Michelle
HKPharm J Volume 30 (1), Jan-Apr-2023:P.16
HKPharm J Volume 30 (1), Jan-Apr-2023|16|1727-2847
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#Lateral Thinking
#Low-density cholesterol
#Acute coronary syndrome
#Biologic DMARD
#Herpes Zoster
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