
LAM, May

Managing Editors

CHENG, Mary Catherine

TSANG, Warren


WONG, Bryan


LAM, Paul

Business Manager

LAM, Kemo

IT Manager

WONG, Johnny

Section Editors

Pharmacy Education & Practice

CHONG, Donald


LEUNG, Shek Ming

TAM, Eliza

CHOW, Tiffany (Review Assistant)

Drugs & Therapeutics

CHAN, Esther

LEUNG, Wilson

SUN, WY Kiwi

LEUNG, Brian

YUEN, Johnny

Primary Care, OTC & Health

CHENG, WT Franco

LEE, Marco

WONG, Janet

Pharmaceutical Techniques & Technology

KWOK, Philip

TONG, Henry

Herbal Medicines & Nutraceuticals


Society Activities

YAU, Edward

New Products

LEUNG, Lucilla


Prof. CHAN, Hak-Kim

Prof. CHANG, Pong

Prof. CHERN, Ji-Wang

Prof. CHIANG, Chiao-Hsi

Prof. CHO, Chi-Hin

Ms. CHIANG, Sau Chu

Prof. LI, CH Paul

Prof. LI, Wan-Po Alain

Prof. LEE, An-Rong

Prof. LEE, Hon-leung Vincent

Dr. MORGAN, Rae M.

Prof. WONG Chi Ki Ian

Prof. YANG, Chih-Hsin David

Prof. ZUO Zhong, Joan

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The Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal is a journal of the pharmacists, for the pharmacists and by the pharmacists. Submissions are welcome for the following sections: • Pharmacy Education & Practice • Drugs & Therapeutics • Primary Care, OTC & Health • Pharmaceutical Techniques & Technology • Medication Safety • Herbal Medicines & Nutraceuticals • Society Activities • New Products

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