Advertisement in the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal Website

We welcome your company and /or organization to place an advertisement in the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal website. There are four types of advertisements. To better understand the type of advertisement, please click here for the illustration file attached.

Ad Type Location Specification 2-months posting 3-months posting
1 Roller banner on home page Desktop version:
(A) 300px (H) x 1024px(W)
(B) 600px (H) x 2048px W)
(must provide ad in higher resolution)

Mobile Version:
735px (H) x 343px (W)

HK$8,700 HK$10,500
2 Static square on the right column 800px (H) x 800px (W)
HK$5,600 HK$6,800
3 Rectangular Banner at Bottom of Page Desktop version:
(C) 300px (H) x 1024px(W)
(D) 600px (H) x 2048px W)
(must provide ad in higher resolution)

Mobile Version:
735px (H) x 343px (W)

HK$7,500 HK$9,000
4 A4 Size Pop-up 3508px (H) x 2480px (W)
Format:jpg/png (72dpi)
HK$23,000 HK$28,000

In order to place an advertisement in HKPJ website, please complete the advertisement order form attached. click here

Alternatively, you can publish an advertisement in the electronic journal which will be placed at the the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal website. For New Product Information, it will be published in both the e-journal and also at the website. In order to place an advertisement in the electronic journal, please complete the advertisement order form here

You can fax the form to: Ms. Yvonne Li, Fax:(852)2376 3091 or email her at:

For further information and booking, please contact:

Mrs. Mary Cheng Tel: (852) 9839 2395

Ms. Yvonne Li Tel: (852) 2376 3090 email:


Tel: 23763090


Room 1303, Rightful Centre, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordon, Kowloon, Hong Kong