The Activities of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Society Activities
HKPharm J Volume 30 (3), Sep-Dec-2023 (2024-02-19): P.80
SHPHK – 2023 Year End Wrap Up
With all COVID-19 restrictions now lifted, activities of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (SHPHK) have almost been resumed to full normalcy. In 2024, we will continue to organize different continuing education activities, as well as social activities for our Members.
If you have any suggestions on how we could improve in 2024, or have any innovative ideas for how we could facilitate the advancement of pharmacy service in Hong Kong together, please do not hesitate to let us know!
SHPHK – 2023 Year End Wrap Up
With all COVID-19 restrictions now lifted, activities of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (SHPHK) have almost been resumed to full normalcy. In 2024, we will continue to organize different continuing education activities, as well as social activities for our Members.
If you have any suggestions on how we could improve in 2024, or have any innovative ideas for how we could facilitate the advancement of pharmacy service in Hong Kong together, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Activities Highlights: October - December 2023
SHPHK Press Conference and Media Group Interview
An SHPHK press conference regarding flu vaccination was held on 26th October 2023. The aim of this press conference is to raise public awareness of the potential serious flu outbreak in this winter without COVID-19 mask mandate.
SHPHK press conference (flu vaccination) on 26th October 2023.
On 6th December 2023, SHPHK also hosted a media group interview on pneumococcal vaccine, hoping to update the general public about the latest recommendations of the use of pneumococcal vaccine in Hong Kong by the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Department of Health.
We would like to thank Mr. So Yiu Wah, Vice President of SHPHK for representing the Society to attend the above-mentioned press events despite his busy schedule.
SHPHK media group interview (pneumococcal vaccines) on 6th December 2023.
SHPHK Webinars
In Q4, SHPHK has organised a webinar on concentrated insulin and three ‘Broaden your horizons’ webinars on various topics, including co-care of community and hospital pharmacists, critical care pharmacy and radiopharmacy. We would like to thank our pharmacist colleagues of different sectors for sharing their invaluable experience regarding their daily work with our Members, as well as our General Committee Members and Intern Members for helping to chair the webinars.
SHPHK Activities: 2023 In Review
January | 1. 網上講座: 認識止痛藥物及服用注意事項 |
February | 2. Webinar: Ambulatory Care Clinic Pharmacist Practice – Understanding the Local Lanscape (Co-organised with LKS Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong) |
March | 3. Webinar: Brand verse Generic Medications in Psychiatry (Supported by The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists) |
4. Ambulatory Care Service: Physician - Pharmacist Collaborative Anticoagulation Clinic (Co-organised with College of Pharmacy Practice) | |
June | 5. Webinar: New Breakthrough in treatment – Gene Therapy and Radio-ligand Therapy |
July | 6. AGM Seminars: |
- Challenge and Opportunity of Medication Safety in A&E | |
- From Manual to Prefilled Preparation: A Blessing to all? | |
7. The 36th SHPHK Annual General Meeting | |
August | 8. 講座:「揭開藥劑師的神秘面紗」 |
October | 9. Webinar: Broaden your horizons #1 - Co-Care of Community Pharmacists and Hospital Pharmacists |
10. Webinar: Concentrated Insulin in Current Clinical Practice | |
November | 11. Webinar: Broaden your horizons #2 - Reality Versus Expectation: Being the First Critical Care Pharmacist in Hong Kong |
December | 12. Webinar: Broaden your horizons #3 - Radiating Excellence: Unveiling the Value of Radiopharmacists in an Evolving Specialty |
13. Movie Night: Wish | |
Coming in 2024! | - SHPHK webinars / seminars: ‘Broaden your horizons’ series, lectures on treatment updates, dinner symposium, etc. |
(TBC) | - BBQ |
- …and more! |
The SHPHK Movie Night is Back!
Apart from educational activities, SHPHK also organises different social events, hoping to provide a networking platform for Members to connect and communicate.
On 23rd December 2023, SHPHK will host a movie night at Grand Windsor Cinema, Causeway Bay. This time, we will be watching the movie ‘Wish’ together.
Tickets are limited and going quickly! Free popcorn and drinks will be served on a first come, first served basis. This free event is open to SHPHK Members only. Each SHPHK member may bring one friend or relative who can also enjoy the same benefits! If you have not joined SHPHK as a Member yet, you may join online at:
Change of SHPHK premises name
Recently, the SHPHK premises name has officially been changed from ‘SHPHK Clubhouse’ to ‘SHPHK Office‘, and minor office renovation has been completed. This decision is made to enhance the professional image of SHPHK and promote the status of pharmacy professional, and was endorsed by the General Committee (GC) Members of SHPHK in the GC meeting on 28th November 2023.
In the future, the main purposes of the SHPHK office would be to provide a place for:
- GC members or members to hold SHPHK or pharmacy-related meetings;
- SHPHK staff to maintain the daily operation of the Society; and
- SHPHK to organise educational events, including drug and health talks, HCP seminars or workshops, SHPHK press conferences and media interviews for professional development in Hong Kong.
SHPHK Membership Renewal
SHPHK Members will receive a reminder email from us very soon if their membership is due to renew. Please make sure your membership with SHPHK is up-to-dated so that you could continue to get free access to SHPHK online resources and join the Society’s activities for free in 2024!
Please note that the SHPHK 3-year membership package will no longer come with free Lexicomp account as it has come to our attention that most of our Members have already had free access to Lexicomp via the subscription of their own institutions. However, SHPHK Members can choose to continue to subscribe to Lexicomp at a discounted rate (SHPHK Members exclusive offer!) as required. More details regarding different SHPHK membership subscription packages will be announced in due course. Please stay tuned!
SHPHK Whatsapp Channel
To enhance member engagement and ensure timely communication, SHPHK will be launching its whatsapp channel in 2024. In the future, Members can opt to receive Society’s news via whatsapp.
We strongly recommend Members to join the whatsapp channel so that you will be able to get easy access to the notifications about the Society’s upcoming lectures, webinars and events directly on your smartphone.
Members should receive an email from our membership officer to explain the details of the new whatsapp channel very soon.
As 2023 comes to an end, the GC Members of SHPHK would like to take this opportunity to thank all SHPHK Members for their support throughout the year. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous year ahead!
You are most welcome to follow the Society’s Facebook page (@SHPHK) and the SHPHK Instagram (@shphk1987) to know more about the Society’s development and activities. You may also visit the Drug Education Resources Centre (DERC) Website: to keep abreast of the latest news and development of pharmaceutical services in Hong Kong. Join us now as new Member or renew your membership at the Society’s website: